what does natty mean in body building

Beyond the Muscle: What Does ‘Natty’ Mean in Body Building?

Bodybuilding, with its rich culture and unique vocabulary, often leaves outsiders curious about its terminology. So, what does ‘natty’ mean in bodybuilding? This article delves into the depths of this intriguing word, shedding light on its significance in the bodybuilding realm.

The Definition of ‘Natty’


The term ‘natty’ might initially come off as colloquial or casual to those unfamiliar with bodybuilding lingo. However, within the passionate corridors of the bodybuilding community, it holds significant weight and meaning. Originating as a shortened form of the word ‘natural,’ it carries a depth of implication about a bodybuilder’s approach to the sport.

In the simplest terms, being ‘natty’ refers to abstaining from the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and anabolic steroids to bolster one’s physique or improve performance. But this definition barely scratches the surface of the layers the term encompasses.

The ‘natty’ label is not just about the physical act of avoiding specific substances. It represents a commitment, a mindset, and, for many, a badge of honor. It’s about dedicating oneself to a pure, transparent path in bodybuilding, relying solely on hard work, dedication, nutrition, genetics, and time to sculpt the body.

The natural path often requires a more profound understanding of one’s body, as there aren’t any external agents to expedite results or push past the body’s natural limits.

While it might seem like a straightforward choice from the outside, the decision to be ‘natty’ is often loaded with personal, ethical, and health considerations. The pressures of competitive bodybuilding, societal expectations, and the allure of faster results make the ‘natty’ route a conscious and often challenging choice.

In a realm where physical results are visible, tangible markers of success, the ‘natty’ designation provides a context. It signifies that the physique on display, no matter how impressive or chiseled, was achieved without the crutch of chemical enhancement.

For many within and outside the bodybuilding community, this distinction is crucial for understanding and appreciating the dedication and effort involved.

To sum it up, ‘natty’ is more than just a term. It’s a declaration, an ethos, and a reflection of a bodybuilder’s journey that values authenticity and effort over shortcuts and quick gains.

The Significance of Being ‘Natty’ in Bodybuilding


Choosing to embrace the ‘natty’ approach in bodybuilding is not merely about abstaining from certain substances; it’s a reflection of an individual’s values, goals, and beliefs within the context of their physical journey.

1. A Testament to Authenticity

At its core, being ‘natty’ is about authenticity. Every muscle fiber, every ounce of strength, and every visible definition is a direct result of sheer hard work, discipline, and patience. This approach ensures that every achievement is genuine, unfettered by any external artificial means.

In a world where instant results are often sought, the ‘natty’ route stands as a testament to the belief that the most rewarding successes are those that are earned.

2. Health Implications

The world of PEDs and steroids is fraught with potential health risks. From cardiovascular diseases, liver complications, hormonal imbalances to mental health disturbances, the list of potential side effects is long and concerning.

By choosing the natural path, bodybuilders not only prioritize their immediate health but also their long-term well-being. They sidestep a plethora of complications, ensuring that their journey enhances their life quality, rather than detracting from it.

3. Ethical Stance

For many ‘natty’ bodybuilders, their choice is deeply rooted in ethics. The bodybuilding community, like any other, is built on principles of fairness and respect.

Relying on one’s innate capabilities, rather than external enhancers, levels the playing field, especially in competitions where natural ability should be the primary determinant of success. This ethical commitment promotes integrity and honesty, not only within oneself but also in relation to fellow athletes.

4. Psychological Resilience

Choosing to be ‘natty’ in an environment where PED usage might be rampant requires immense mental strength. The slower progress, compared to enhanced counterparts, means natty bodybuilders must exhibit a higher degree of patience, resilience, and self-belief.

This mental fortitude extends beyond the gym, influencing other facets of their lives, making them more resilient in the face of various challenges.

5. Community and Inspiration

The ‘natty’ bodybuilding community is tight-knit, often characterized by mutual respect and support. Choosing this path aligns an individual with like-minded people who value authenticity and hard work. Beyond the community, ‘natty’ bodybuilders serve as beacons of inspiration.

They show that impressive physiques are attainable without compromising one’s health or ethics, inspiring upcoming generations to opt for cleaner, healthier methods.

In conclusion, the significance of being ‘natty’ in bodybuilding transcends physical appearance. It’s a holistic approach that amalgamates health, ethics, mental fortitude, and community, offering a fulfilling and sustainable path in the world of bodybuilding.

Challenges Faced by Natty Bodybuilders


Being a ‘natty’ bodybuilder in a landscape where performance enhancers are ever-present means navigating a unique set of challenges. These challenges aren’t just physical; they also touch upon the mental, emotional, and societal dimensions of bodybuilding.

1. Slower Progression

Perhaps the most immediate challenge is the slower rate of muscle growth and development. Without PEDs or steroids to accelerate the process, natty bodybuilders must remain committed and patient, knowing that their gains will be gradual. This slower pace can be disheartening, especially when juxtaposed against enhanced athletes who seem to achieve results at a much faster rate.

2. Heightened Importance of Diet and Training

With no external aids to fall back on, every aspect of a natty bodybuilder’s regimen, from diet to workout routines, becomes even more critical. There’s little room for error. This means constantly educating oneself, experimenting, and refining one’s approach to ensure optimal results, which can be both time-consuming and mentally draining.

3. Mental and Emotional Challenges

The journey of a natural bodybuilder is filled with moments of self-doubt and vulnerability. The allure of PEDs, especially during plateaus or periods of stagnation, can be intense. Resisting this temptation, staying motivated, and believing in one’s natural journey requires a great deal of psychological resilience.

4. Societal Pressures and Perceptions:

In certain circles, the ‘bigger is better’ mentality dominates, leading to undue pressure on natty bodybuilders to reconsider their choices. This external pressure, combined with internal desires for faster results, can create a conflict that’s emotionally taxing. Moreover, being in environments where PED usage is normalized can make natty bodybuilders feel isolated or out of place.

5. Misunderstandings and Misinformation:

There’s a pervasive myth that natural bodybuilders can’t achieve physiques as impressive as their enhanced counterparts. Battling these misconceptions and constantly having to defend one’s choice can be exhausting.

Additionally, the fitness industry often portrays idealized, sometimes enhanced, physiques as the norm, which can skew perceptions and set unrealistic expectations for natty bodybuilders.

6. Competitive Disadvantages

In competitive arenas where drug testing is lax or non-existent, natty bodybuilders might find themselves at a disadvantage against enhanced athletes. This disparity can be discouraging, especially when one has put in an equal amount of effort, dedication, and passion.

In conclusion, the path of a natty bodybuilder, while deeply rewarding, is laden with distinct challenges that require an amalgamation of physical tenacity, mental strength, and emotional resilience. These challenges, however, also shape and define the journey, making the achievements all the more authentic and gratifying.

Benefits of Being Natty

Being Natty

While the challenges faced by natty bodybuilders are undeniable, the rewards and benefits of choosing the natural route in bodybuilding are profound. These benefits span across health, psychological well-being, ethics, and the overall integrity of the sport.

1. Reduced Health Risks

Opting for a natural approach in bodybuilding helps evade the myriad of health complications often associated with PEDs and steroids. These can range from hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular diseases, liver problems, and more.

2. Longevity in the Sport

Without the strain of PEDs on the body, natty bodybuilders can often enjoy longer, injury-free careers, with a reduced risk of overtraining or pushing the body beyond its natural limits.

3. Authentic Sense of Achievement

Achievements in the gym, on stage, or even just in personal progression, hold a different weight when they are earned naturally. Every ounce of muscle gained, every reduction in body fat, and every personal record set is a direct result of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, making the victories sweeter.

4. Mental Fortitude

The path of a natty bodybuilder, filled with its unique challenges, cultivates a strong mental resilience. Overcoming temptations, pushing through slower progressions, and staying committed to one’s beliefs can build a mental toughness that is beneficial in other life endeavors.

5. Ethical Integrity

Choosing the natty route in bodybuilding often reflects an individual’s broader values. It showcases a commitment to fairness, integrity, and authenticity. This ethical stance not only earns respect within the bodybuilding community but also reinforces personal values and principles.

6. Avoidance of Legal Implications

Many PEDs are illegal without a medical prescription in numerous jurisdictions. By staying natty, bodybuilders steer clear of potential legal troubles, including fines, bans from competitions, or even jail time, associated with the possession, distribution, or use of banned substances.

7. Building Genuine Expertise

Without external aids, natty bodybuilders often become experts in nutrition, recovery, and training methodologies, since these become the primary tools for progress. This expertise can translate into successful coaching careers, writing, or other avenues within the fitness industry.

8. Stronger Community Bonds

The natty community is tight-knit, with many individuals supporting and uplifting each other. This sense of community fosters friendships, collaborations, and an environment where individuals can share their experiences, challenges, and successes.

9. Setting Realistic Standards

Natty bodybuilders present a more realistic and achievable standard for the general public. They show what can be accomplished naturally, providing inspiration without promoting potentially harmful shortcuts.

In essence, the benefits of being natty in bodybuilding are holistic, affecting not just the physical, but also the mental, emotional, and ethical aspects of an individual’s life. While the path might be demanding, the rewards are genuine, deep-rooted, and long-lasting.


Understanding what ‘natty’ means in bodybuilding is more than just decoding a term—it’s about appreciating the ethics, challenges, and rewards of choosing the natural route in a sport where the temptation to enhance is ever-present. As the bodybuilding community continues to evolve, the role of natty athletes remains pivotal, championing a healthier, more authentic approach to physical development.

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